मंगलवार, जून 21, 2005

New yelow ribbon campane by IWW

UR should all grab new yelow ribon of supprot are troops 'btw' (=BY THE WAY) abbrev.

Here is IWWribbon for suproting are troops:

5 टिप्‍पणियां:

  1. बेनामी10:43 am

    It doesn't say 'btw' it says 'bwt' so what does 'bwt' stand for?



    जवाब देंहटाएं
  2. बेनामी8:25 am

    Dude! Your blog is a work of art! I love it.

    I'm the same anon who just informed iraqwarwrong that there are people whom he hasn't convinced yet.

    जवाब देंहटाएं
  3. बेनामी1:08 pm

    geeze, some peopel here our totaly OFF TOPIC (ot); umh, helo? wer'e not takling about collige dergees or snorekling in hawiai its about troops suport and ribbons. wich i suport even their wrong (the war is wrong duh i do'nt suport that) but troops cant help it. if you relly suport troops then send them to japan like Murta said.

    जवाब देंहटाएं
  4. बेनामी11:36 am

    would u mind in listing my blog on your blogroll?
    I talk about the wrong brother of Iraq, Afghanistan.



    जवाब देंहटाएं
  5. बेनामी3:27 pm

    What a great web log. I spend hours on the net reading blogs, about tons of various subjects. I have to first of all give praise to whoever created your theme and second of all to you for writing what i can only describe as an fabulous article. I honestly believe there is a skill to writing articles that only very few posses and honestly you got it. The combining of demonstrative and upper-class content is by all odds super rare with the astronomic amount of blogs on the cyberspace.

    जवाब देंहटाएं