बुधवार, अप्रैल 27, 2005

Why is this blog hear?????

I decide to start this blog because even tho the Iraq war was NOT right (wrong) some OTHER BLOGERS who writing about Iraq war was wrong are being less than forthritly TRUTHFUL about matters of statisticle infirence and the MARGIN OF ERROR of (wrongest war) VOTING.

Some might even say he(she) is being INTELECULY DISHONEST so even thogh he (she as case may be) is right abut Iraq war was wrong progressivs of all stirpes must scurpulously adhere to basic principals of LOGIC HONSETSY AND MARGIN OF ERROR if are movement is to defeet Bushhitlerchimpychainy and there GOONS. in next election.

UPDATE: PS INCASE U think I think Iraq war was right UR wrong. IT PROBALLY IS WRONGEST WAR EVER OF ALL TIME. But SOME OTHER BLOGERS are misuse stastitics from voting for wrongest war!!!! because left out other wars like 1812 War (where 1812 War ovacher came from - interesting fact) and war of Mexico (alamo war.)(also wrong wars)

5 टिप्‍पणियां:

बेनामी ने कहा…

Dude it is so obvious that you are the same person as iraqwarwrong. Your grammer and spelling are just bad as iraqwarwrong. This is really sad that you've had to make up another person to describe that the iraq war was wrong when we all know that it was the right thing to do for humanity.


iraqwarnotright ने कहा…

UR wrong again napstre!!! about iraqwarwrong is same as I and amout iraq war is(was) right. It was not right that is why I have this blog but this blog (not iraqwarwrong) devoted to statisiscal rigor (not junk sciente(mathmatic/arithmatic)) of iraqwarwrong. dude you need to read posts!!!!

iraqwarnotright ने कहा…

PS sory about spelling - sucks party bad I no.

बेनामी ने कहा…

First of all you need to read posts. I spelled my name out clearly for you but you misspelled it in your post.

Second, why do you talk about the Iraq War in past tense? It is still going on at this very moment. Their are United States solidiers standing guard and out on patrols in harms way while you enjoy the peace and safety to publish your nonsense from the comfort of the greatest county on the face of the earth!

Third, even your apology for your spelling has errors and makes no sense. It's called proofreading. Been around for a long time. You should check it out sometime.


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