IM read post on dean04prez about heartbrakingness/lonly of carrying on batle for TRUTH/RIGHTNESS vs. neocon/ppl who think Iraq war was right. Some times it is VV lonly batle - his life is in dangre from noecon chick's (will get kiled any day/time now) and yet he somewho find strangth to carry on the good fihgt. I presonaly know of this pane: many on his bolg and my blog have say such things (2 me) as 'UR DIGUSTING GO AWAY ECT. BLA BLA.')
I nearly cry'd when I read his post's (about heartbrake/lonly/almost killed.) So now IM compos peotry about Iraq war not right 4 hopefuly lift sprit's of like-minded porgresive like dean04prez.
Oh Iraq my haert is brokan because of evil neocon death machine.
A death machine who's name is Chimpy McHilterbrotonchany.
I know, as do my brethren (other porgresive) the TRUTH about
How the War of Iraq was not right; 4 we have blown up many.
But must UR bloody entrales of blody LIES????
Also clame our youth/young ppl, like our borther dean04prez?????
A solder of TURTH and Progresave polatics?????
How the neocon chick's want to cut off his fez??????
Yet we brave soldars of TRUTH must carry on as b4.
With are message of Truth (like Iraq war was wrong);
Or not right, which is name of my bolg (Iraq war was not right)
Until the bell which marks end of are life's goes "Ding dong."
And we only desire for not (MORE) inosant ppls to DIE!
Like the VVV many ppl kiled in this crazy insane wrong WAR
Just like many ppl have ben killed or died b4!!!!!
And we will triumfant at the end of teh day be!
Over neocons and other evel beings we will be!
For vistory shall be ars! Loose not faith in it!
AT Chimply McHitlerbrutonchainy we (porgresive) will 1 day say git!!!!!
(Sory for using slang wrod in last line (had troubal making rime). Is short hand fro "git out of hear.")
Poetry quites my sole in this, the longest, strugal for truth evar in history of mankind.
ENTIRE POME IS © 2005 by iraqwarnotright. INtrenational rights reserved. No fare use aception premitted.
सोमवार, मई 02, 2005
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टिप्पणियाँ भेजें (Atom)
66 टिप्पणियां:
Thsi poem is deepley reflective of my personal anguish whit being like have a woman who is hard core neocon (rocky mtn lioness) but knowing that teh neocons are gonig to destroy me any day now.
Bravo, sir. Bravo.
I'm dabbing tears from my eyes right now. *sniff*
DARN! It was the onion I still had left on my fingers from my meatloaf I cooked up earlier. No wonder.
[SSHHHHH! *srecet!* don teel dean40, sending I'm to him for to keep him storng while holed up in heidiway form neokiophones...err..
paleocontractions?...uhm.neocongas....anyway. Needs him to phatten up! Sned him I ice cream, too....4,000 miles away!]
Dean04 not afraid neds to be. He built in weapon has. Turn head sideway and back around to front FAST and Pinocchinose gouge eyes out of jackinthebootedbox thugs!
THEY™ good friends of mine. Nose not what I to do, as Dean04 nose even on me grow! NO NO NO...not litteralley....mean I almost used to it am git. "Allmost" I sayed!
My prollem always be liking ruggged, tough, BAD BOY types like Pinnochio Dean0.....only likes better more meat on bones! Could hug and hurt! My achilles heel is him's kind of macho macho man, though---with mucho mucho muscles more.
In picture you not like bravo sir bravo look to me. Dean04 under much duress, can't tell womyn frum myn? Oh great! Prolly think I'm guy. Ooooo Disappointed will he be....IF he survives and ever see 18 and I decide to wiat (prolly NOT wait for how-Deanie, too much pressure from this oogly boy. Feel sorry for him, makes me prolly marry.
iwic- dude figure out UR one name dude. They're no need copycat (sort of) on mine (about war/iraq/wrongness concept).
dean- rock on dude!!!!!!! I thot mabe thay kiled UR last nite (wehn I was composing peom- vvv ironic. If it would of been a movie, thay would of had picture of I writing peom, tear's droping on keybrod over sadnes/lonly; than cut away to picture of noecon chick's w dagers STAB STAB STAB on UR; than mabe split-scren of UR get stab and I cyring on keybrod.)(crying about pome? or abuot 6th sense of know porgresive (another 1) get kiled in name of truth? VV ambiguo's.)(Cut to UR in deth throws (from stabing) & IM push Login and Pulbish buton when poem is done. VV powerful image.
lion chick (neocon)- dude learn some gramer. UR sentances uninteligable. & while I invite PLOITE DISCOARSE on my bolg plz refrane form hetaronormative coment like UR coment was (is.)
"(The) Poetry about Iraq war was not right"
Truer words were never spoken. Except had you added the blogmasters name as item #2 of things that are not right. Followed by a disclaimer that he's temporarily OK, after shock treatments.
We can help.
"Dude learn some gramer. UR sentances uninteligable. & while I invite PLOITE DISCOARSE on my bolg plz refrane form hetaronormative coment like UR coment was (is.)"
Learn some spelling! Obviously, hard as I try, I can't even pretend to know what it's like to have been labotomized and communicate with those who actually have.
And it's Dudette, to you---dud! Ms. Dudette, actually.
You SHALL obey me!
[DISCLAIMER: No e's were left out of the making of this post. E's *assumed* missing by the webmassturd, makes an a$$ of them, not me.]
Wanna play some mo'??
Rocky Mtn. Lioness said...
iraqwarnotright: When I think about you, I touch myself.
१०:५९ पूर्वाह्न
NOT ME! (who simplified her name from RML, cuz these low budget ghetto blogs aren't user friendly.)
Ahhh...a jealous troll, cuz they know I SHO NUFF ain't touching them --NOR--- I R NOTRIGHT! Eeeewwwww. I'd rather kiss Mick Jagger on the lips, and that would be a fate worse than death.
But, I extend an olive branch to you, anyway. Truce?
FAUX Rocky Mtn. Lioness said...
"iraqwarnotright: When I think about you, I touch myself."
On 2nd thought-- Despite trolls/name hijackers being the penultimate lower life form---There is an element of truth in that. It's the same, actually, with Dweeb04 and howie. When I think of either of them/you---I *SMACK* the palm of my hand to my forehead, thereby "touching myself". [the option being beating my head on the keyboard. Which if I keep up, will have me spelling, and even WORSE, *thinking* like you.]
Had I given in to the tempation to hijack Mr. I RaqwarNOTRIGHT's name, I would have at least spoken truthfully... in saying:
" Dude, IM don not need to thnik of nuttin' too touch IMself. IM need to fined thnik of things too maek me stopp!"
Name hijacking/trolling is despicable. I have more integrity than....UHM...Rephrase: I, at least, have integrity.
lion chick-
UR pomes will not pursuad me 2 brake soladaraty with progresive bloger's.
dude- ppl do not nede to reed UR love pome's to tell that UR dasirus of me- just rede batween line of you're suposed 'dietribs' (acually crjies for mail atention of mail liek me).
But if UR had any honor, UR wuold of broke up with dean be4 comencing UR persuit of me.
PS- I liek all porgresave's value open and free debate and dont' delete coment even when being hit on bye chick how is alredy go with othre guy's.
OH MG!!`!@ look a ther blog. talk about totaly self absorbed
OK...Dweeb04 &/or his imaginary "Rainman" friend" I-R-NOTRIGHT MUST be no older than 6th grade. That's the ONLY age when a little boy who has a BIG TIME crush one someone would write their name repeatedly as you (both=one) have done with RML. I'm flattered. It's so cute.
Had Dweanie04 not mentioned it, I wouldn't have noticed it. I didn't click on the hijacked use of my butthead(s).
I think what we're dealing with here is a boy named Sybil!
"That's the ONLY age when a little boy who has a BIG TIME crush one someone would write their name repeatedly as you (both=one) have done with RML. I'm flattered. It's so cute."
....but I STILL refuse to icq you, try as you may.
Cna I link to yuor blog on my (own) blog?
"dean04prez said...
Cna I link to yuor blog on my (own) blog?"===
७:२० अपराह्न
Perhaps that's a question you should ask of whoever created that blog (unbeknownst to---NOR--permission requested of me.)
That "Your blog" is not mine.
Cute and "flattering" as it might be, I don't respect name hijackers. Where will the twit draw the line in (mis)representing me?!?!
Mean People..err...Dean people suck!
They did not leav a email or AIM to ask them so I will juts guess it is ok
Dude- BURN!!!
"They did not leav a email or AIM to ask them so I will juts guess it is ok"
I suspect "they" = YOU!
Surely, you don't hesitate to talk to yourself (..selves), deterring you from asking...right, Sybil boy?
You better read some of YOUR own entries then!!
Family blog, my size 10 foot! I wouldn't let you walk my kids across the street with 2 armed guards if I was watching!
Yes evrey bloger is me
Yes evrey bloger is me
Sybil (one of (him)herselves) has spoken!
Oops! Silly me. The above
१०:१९ पूर्वाह्न post, was...and still IS intended FOR, and dedicated TO my MAN.
Ahhh...the faux RML of the १२:३८ अपराह्न post inspired me to include a "dedication" for the faux link.
So without any further adieu=dieu--for my MANIAC, to whom, along with yet another couple of LOSERS, I dedicate:
You're no good
You're no good
You're no good
Gaby you're no good
I'm gonna say it again
You're no good
You're no good
You're no good
Gaby you're no good
P.S. And I hate you.
P.S. Faux RML---I abso-frickin'-lutely KNEW you were going to do something like that post hijack (& jackass)!
Ya wanna keep "playing"???...hmmmm??
Jeewiz IM go away 4 a copl hours (atend to atni-neocon busaness) and UR canot stand it?????? Must UR continue stocking (of I)?????? Relly RELLY sad!!1!! Relly shameles to. UR shuold be ashame lionchick. IM KNOW IM AM IRASISTABLE 4 NEOCON CHICKS (EX: LION CHICK) BUT IM TOLE UR: UR NEED 2 BRAKE UP WITH (TERMANATE RALATIONSHIP) DEAN B4 UR HITING ON I ANY MORE????? K????? DEAN ALREDY HAF ENOUGH HARTBRAKE FORM FAITHLESS NOECON CHICKS!!!! UR LIKE HUSSY OR SOMETHING???
Oh my!...Where to begin dismantling your inanities, Mr. I R NOTRIGHT.
First of all, it appears it is YOU who has a gender identity issue. *Your* picture being indisputable proof, Nancy.
2ndly: The isle of Lesbos nor a *BI* osphere hold any appeal for me.
3rdly: [a point which has ZERO bearing on you] There is no need for me to "terminate" my (non-existent) relationship with chicken chest, PinocchiNose Dweeb04. Any "terminating" to be done in regards to him, THEY™ in "shall".. take care of.
Ya want me to call paramedics for you....AGAIN.....queerbait?
RML (4-ever unavailable to you) *Hussie*
Ya want me to call paramedics for you....AGAIN.....queerbait?
Got bigotry?
"Gaby, you're no good."
Gaby: a rash, reckless man. A simpleton; a dunce; a lout.
nuff said.
Got Multiple Personality Disorder?
From the Thesaurus:
Queer: anomalous, atypical, bizarre, crazy, curious, demented, disquieting, doubtful, droll, dubious, eccentric, eerie, erratic, extraordinary, fishy, flaky, fly ball, freaky, funny, idiosyncratic, irrational, irregular, kinky, kooky, mad, mysterious, odd, oddball, outlandish, outré, peculiar, puzzling, quaint, questionable, remarkable, shady, singular, strange, suspicious, touched, unbalanced, uncanny, uncommon, unconventional, unhinged, unnatural, unorthodox, unusual, wacky.
Nice try, hypocritical judge & jury.
Got Multiple Personality Disorder
taht does not explain your highly bigotrous coments
but my following Thesaurus post does *explain* your accusations as FALSE and my assessment of your judgmental hypocristy as TRUE.
Thank you for playing.
Try again.
hypocristy = hypocrisy
Just trying to help you, Dweeb04, avoid yet another fall into the pit of hypocrisy, should you even think about dogging me for a type-o, fraud!!
I finaly figure out 'WHAT"S IS RONG WITH THIS PICTURE'??????
1) lion chick continue to initiate convresation abuot sexal organ of man/lital boys.
2) lion chick use many name w/refrence to cats. Anothre name 4 cats is wrod which begin with 'p' but is crude reference to femail sexal orgran (which IM am not going to say hear because of this is famly blog.)
3) lion chick continue's to hit on I when stil in ralationship with dean (more proof of sexal fixation)
∴ lion chick is hussy. QED
what's WRONG with "this picture", hairy dog lip, is that you look EXACTLY like a chic! DUH!
Shamelessly unvailable to you Lion Chick *hussy*.
That cuts like a knife, doesn't it doofus? You can't have me! nyah nyah nyah nyah nyah nyah!! That goes for your buddy Dweeb04, too.
Your usage of *yawn* predictably same-o, same-o comments are, in psychological terms, referred to as PROJECTING,.....idiot stick.
I guess, gaby, you missed that part of an earlier post where I said:
P.S. And I hate you. hehe
".....on I when stil in ralationship with dean"
Finally got you to admit who's really in a relationship with whom, eh?
Best regards from NY! » » »
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